Sunday, May 17, 2009

World's of Fun..........I mean run.....

Thank you for being patient little monsters. I know you are just chomping at the bit for me to get on with it. Alas, the life of a writer (also, wife, mother, full-time supervisor) is not one with much time left for fun and blogging. But to lets get on with it..........a co-worker and I were talking about our local amusement park "Worlds of Fun" today and he confided in me that his nephew was too scared to ride the a particularly loopy roller coaster and would cry because he wanted too, but could not bring himself to do it. As a child, I loved roller coasters (Are we suprised?) Of course not.) but I particularly loved one ride consisted of a floating raft that was rather docile for the first half, and then suddenly you were plunged into a dark tunnel as the raft cut faster and faster through the water. After a few well placed water falls, you would shoot out "KER-SPLASH!" into the daylight, soaking wet. Absolute heaven and I believe they still have it. My co-worker told me he had similar feelings for the same type of ride, only his had animals that popped out at you. What is your favorite scary past time? Peace, Love, and Monsters Under Your Bed!

P.S. I am working on a giveaway made up of some things that have inspired my writing along the way, as the book is nearly finished. I have never held a giveaway before, so any tips would be great! As usual, you'll have to be patient as I am first and foremost a slave to my book.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Lions, And Tigers, And Flying Monkeys? Oh, MY! This one is for Angelique.

It is true that I wear a rather large medallion around my neck for inspiration. It is, indeed, a portrait of a FLYING MONKEY. Flying monkeys must scare people, because I am often asked if it is some sort of demon. I wonder how many children that scene scared in the Wizard of Oz? Of course, I love all things dark and dangerous so that was my favorite scene when I was a kid. I wear the medallion to remind me that imagination is key in the type of work that I am in. I am a hopeless realist and fatalist from the bottom of my dark, dark heart and you can imagine how that might interfere. Thank you so much for your comment, Angelique. It brings me to my next comment suggestion.........What movie scared you the most as a child? What scene? Until next time, may you have a good night and your nightmares be good.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

The Beginning Of The Dark, Dark Blog

Beware! Um, I mean Welcome! This is the beginning of The Dark, Dark Blog, which currently looks a little, um, good time I hope to keep you updated on the children's book which I am currently writing. I write horror children's stories (Because when I was a child, I loved anything that snapped, trapped, slit, bit, growled, howled, and filled me with screams or nightmarish dreams!), and I want to hear from everyone else out there that hears a bump in the night and says "Finally!". Thanks for stomping..........I mean stopping by. In the future I hope to have Monstrous Messages and even (Gasp!) ghastly giveaways!!!! If you would like to leave a comment, my suggestion for my first post is "Your first nightmare.". Good Evening.